
Beltain Pop-up Fair

April 27th
11am - 5pm
Free (donation to Crescent Moon School of Magic and Paganism appreciuated)

From their FB event:

"THEME: Just be Zen

Beltain Spring Fair is an annual event that usually features a small conference of 3-5 speakers, an outdoor Beltaine ritual in the park, and approximately 20 local artisan vendors. This year we are going SMALL. In support of our favorite local business, we will hold our fair as a smaller Pop-Up within the teahouse. Support the community. SUPPORT LOCAL!

It happens the last Saturday of April (sometimes May 1st) and is a great place and time to get ready for spring with your friends and family... or even just for yourself.

We love cosplay! Dress up for this fair and have fun with us!


11:00am - OPEN

5:00pm - CLOSE


- Crescent Moon School with Aiden's Creations (Suiseki KodamaStone Bonsai)

- Summer's Garden (seedlings & crafts from 8-yr-old Summer)

- Willow Rivers Creative (ART)

- KL Sunshine Jam (preserves)

- More to come!"

Reminiscence Host CLub's
Ouran High School Host CLub

May 4th

A cup of tea, a sandwich of choice and a dessert are included with the ticket. You will also receive a handcrafted rose, our usual random pc, a favor ticket, a pack of stickers and a love letter.

Buy your ticket here. Only ticket holders will be admitted.


Une tasse de thé, un sandwich au choix et un dessert sont inclus dans le billet. Vous recevrez également une rose artisanale, notre habituel pc aléatoire, un billet de faveur, un pack d’autocollants et une lettre d’amour.

Achetez votre billet ici. Seulement ceux avec des billets pourront rentrer.

Travel Light - Naomi Mitchison

April 28th
4pm - 6h30pm

As Blue recommended it to Red, we decided to also read Travel light by Naomie Mitchison.

We are very excited, and this being a light book, we can't wait to just devour it!

""Travel Light is the story of Halla, a girl born to a king but cast out onto the hills to die. She lives among bears; she lives among dragons. But the time of dragons is passing, and Odin All-Father offers Halla a choice: Will she stay dragonish and hoard wealth and possessions, or will she travel light?"

As usual, we'll be drinking a tea paired with the book and it's themes, which will be also sold at a discount for the bookclub participants during the meeting!

Kindly be advised that so as to ensure we can take your order without any delays to the event, we ask that you to arrive at least 10-15 min before 4pm, or more.

If you have read already, or want to join our bookclub for this reading (or the next one), you can simply come at the meeting! Plus, this will let you participate in the selection of futur books and take part in group order, benefiting from the different perks our club offers! Don't hesitate to ask us for more details!

You can chose to read the book in the language of your choice and if you need a copy for this month, or the next month's book, "What you are looking for is in the Library", by Michiko Aoyama, here's a link to our lovely partners:

Saga Bookstore:
Travel Light
What You Are Looking For Is In the Library

Marché Printanier des Artisans
Bazar Verdunois

May 18th  & 19th
10am - 5pm

Thésaurus tea is going to be at this little market close to the teahouse for the weekend, around a BUNCH of talented artisans and creators.

From their FB event:

"Les 18 et 19 Mai, de 10h à 17h, venez découvrir notre sélection de créateurs\trices locaux lors du Marché Printanier des Artisans.

Que ce soit pour trouver un cadeau idéal ou se faire plaisir, renouveler sa garde-robe avec quelques fripes, décorer un coin de mur triste ou trouver LA paire de boucles d'oreilles unique et parfaites, les marchés de Bazar Verdunois sont les rendez-vous de la créativité à ne pas rater. Ambiance, plaisir et bonne bouffe en prime!

630, 4e Avenue, Verdun (QC)



Go on their event for the full list of confirmed vendors!

Trivia Night 9

May 17th
6h30pm - 8hpm
5$ to register a team (max 3), Free to watch

*Notez que le Quiz se déroule en anglais*

Ce mois-ci, le Trivia Night va titiller votre cerveau et mettre à l'épreuve votre culture de nerd comme jamais auparavant! Soyez prêts pour le plus trivia-esque des Trivias!

Comme toujours, l'inscription d'une équipe coûte 5$, mais le visionnage est gratuit. Nous limitons le nombre d'équipes à 8, alors inscrivez-vous rapidement!

Bien que nous puissions accueillir des équipes à la porte si le nombre de places le permet, nous encourageons vivement les participants à s'inscrire à l'avance par courrier électronique, par messagerie ou en personne. Nous demandons aux participants qui ont l'intention de se joindre à nous d'arriver au moins 15-20 minutes avant 18h30 afin que nous puissions prendre leur commande sans retarder l'événement.


This month's edition of Trivia will tease your brain and challenge your nerd culture like never before! Be ready for the triviaest of Trivia!

As always, registering a team is 5$, but watching is free. We are limiting the number of teams to 8, so be certain to register fast!

Kindly be advised that although we do accommodate teams at the door if space permits, we highly encourage registering in advance via email, messenger, or in person. It is appreciated that participants intending to join arrive at least 15-20 min before 6:30 to ensure we can take your order without any delays to the event.

High Tea

May 26th
3pm - 6hpm

Portez votre plus beau pyjama (et n'oubliez pas les pantoufles!) pour nous rejoindre lors de ce High Tea très chic-mais-confortable! Des délices que l'on ne voit que dans les rêves vous attendent sur une assiette à trois étages et des thés pour vous tenir éveillé. toute la nuit (ou dormir, si c'est votre truc).

Comme d'habitude, la nourriture sera préparée en accommodant vos restrictions alimentaires dans la mesure du possible, n’oubliez donc pas de nous les communiquer clairement. Veuillez prendre note que nous ne pouvons désormais plus faire d’exception sans gluten.

Les inscriptions peuvent être faites sur place ou par courriel à thesaurus.therrarium@gmail.com. Les billets coûtent 75$ et doivent être achetés au plus tard 48hrs à l’avance. Veuillez aussi noter que passé ce délais ils ne pourront plus être remboursés.

Vous ne devriez pas avoir besoin de votre oreiller, mais les oursons ou les peluches mangent gratuitement!

NB: Nous vous demandons d'arriver pour 15h et non plus tôt, car les portes seront fermées et verrouillées une heure avant l'événement, afin que nous puissions préparer l'espace.


Wear your best pyjamas (and don't forget the slippers!) to join us at this very fancy-yet-confortable High Tea! Deliciousness only seen in dreams is waiting for you on a three-tiered plate and teas to keep you up all night (or sleep, if that's your thing).

As usual, the food will be prepared according to your dietary restrictions as much as possible so be sure to communicate them clearly. Please take note that we are not able to do gluten-free food anymore.

Sign-ups can be made in-house, or by emailing thesaurus.therrarium@gmail.com. Tickets are 75$, and must be purchased at the latest 48hrs before the event. Please note that past that deadline they cannot be reimbursed either.

We don't think you'll need your pillow but teddy bears or plushies eat free!

NB: We kindly ask that you arrive at 3PM and not early, as the doors will be closed and locked the hour before the event, so that we can prepare the space. 

Mini Scriven-
Pop-up Market

May 25th
11am - 5pm
Free (donation to Scriven appreciuated)

Info to come